Save hours of manual tax lien research with FastLien


Save time with Upcoming Sales. Tons of auction lists ready to be scanned.


Keep track of your Tax Liens ROI and deadlines with automatic reminders.


Maximize your profit simulating your deals with our Forecasting tool.

FastLien's features

Your fast lane to Tax Lien research

Upcoming Tax Lien and Tax sale lists

Explore the updated sale lists for upcoming Lien, Deed, and Redeemable sales across all counties in the USA. Our daily enriched lists includes vital appraiser information, including use codes, addresses, assessed values, and MAP details.

Click the Zillow button to assess the property's potential.

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Sale list

Portfolio Manager

Manage your entire portfolio of tax liens and tax deeds operations. See the ROI trends of your operations with just a glance at your dashboard.

Plus, set up automatic reminders about your certificates to keep you in-check!

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Forecasting tools

Forecast your tax lien ROI and interests, as well as simulate and define your maximum bid and premium. These tools are only available for specific counties, like New Jersey.

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Sale list

FastLien's fundamentals course

Included in our starter plan, brought to you by Tax Lien Academy, the course teaches you about tax lien investing

Learn how tax liens work

Tax Lien Academy is where 200 students learn to buy, manage, and profit from tax liens.

Our companion course, included free for our starter plan customers, has 5 modules with over 150m of training.
Here's what you'll learn:

  • Module 1:  Introduction To Tax Liens: what are they?
  • Module 2: Tax Liens Auctions: how do they work?
  • Module 3: Preliminary research & best areas to invest in
  • Module 4: Keeping track of data
  • Module 5: Taking action!

Your instructor, Emanuel Wijkhuisen, bought his first Tax Lien worth $ 862 then continuing to invest, learn, and to seek testing the effectiveness of this unique investment tool. Today Emanuel and his partners continuously acquire tax liens growing their real estate portfolio year round.

Get the course by joining our starter plan

FastLien's simple pricing

Monthly Annual


$49 / month

For experienced investors who want to save hours of manual certificates research.

Join other smart investors on this plan

Tax Lien Fundamentals Course  
(20 videos, 150 minutes)
Upcoming Lien, Deed and Redeemable sale lists
All US states tax sale premium lists  
Portfolio manager  
Auction Calendar  
State Directory  
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